plg_system_xbtruncstring v1.0.0.0 
23rd June 2019  J3

Joomla JHtml::string.truncate() function has a couple of minor but annoying bugs. See previous article TruncString Bugs and blog post for details. The new System Plugin xbTruncString provides an override for only this function rather than having to override the entire string.php library code (eg by using the mvcoverride plugin) and then maintain it when any part is updated in the core. 

Function declaration:

public static function truncate($text, $length = 0, $noSplit = true, $allowHtml = true)

plg_button_tippopbtn v1.2.0.1 
4th January 2019  J3

The Joomla editor extension plugin TipPop Button provides a quick and easy way of inserting Tooltips and Popovers using Bootstrap. Clicking the button brings up a dialogue that allows you to set the text and various parameters for the tip or pop. If you have text selected in the editor the tip will we wrapped around it, or you can enter the text in the dialogue. 

xbCulture Recent Module v0.1.2 
29th April 2021  J3

xbCulture Recent is a module to display a list of the most recently reviewed or added items in any of the main xbCulture components (currently xbBooks and xbFilms). 

xbCulture List module v0.1.2 
9th May 2021  J3

xbCulture List is a module to display a list of up to 50 items from either xbFilms or xbBooks with many flexible configuration options 

xbCulture Random Images module v0.1.2 
9th May 2021  J3

xbCulture Random Images is a module to display random selection of poster and cover images from xbFilms and/or xbBooks. 

com_xbpeople_v1.1.1 29th March 2023  J3

xbPeople provides a relational database of people and characters who are associated with one or more of the main xbCulture components. It could also be used on its own to manage list of people, characters or groups