pkg_xbedhidelight v0.2.0.2 
23rd July 2019  J3

xbEdHideLight is a spin-off from xbFootnoteTag which provides the facility to highlight or hide text in the editor (TinyMCE or JCE) WYSIWYG view whilst having no effect on the front end article display.

I find Highlighting is useful for marking sections of text that need revision or updating later, and I use Hiding to conceal long shortcodes that clutter up the edit view once they are working.

Documentation  Demo Page

The two editor button plugins respectively hide or highlight text. Both work on text selected in the editor

The buttons work with both TinyMCE and JCE (and should work with other editors but is not tested against them) and create spans which have a class name set to a special value so that the content Plugin can recognise and remove them. 


Improvements and bug fixes

  1. Improve the uninstall routine

Possible New features

  1. Integrate with xbArtMan article manager to provide a list of all articles with hide or highlight codes and the ability to remove them from selected articles.


v0.2.0.2 23rd July 2019